The AAF Awards UT Student
Each year, the American Advertising Federation releases a list of the nation’s top multicultural college students. This list is released to connect industry professionals to the advertising industry’s best young prospects, and to help the advertising and media workforce better reflect the diversity of today’s society. Students on the list are invited to participate in the Most Promising Multicultural Students Program where they have the opportunity to meet with professionals from top agencies. Faith Daniels, a senior Advertising student in the Media sequence, was selected for the 2019 class and shares her insights below.
1. How did your academic career and personal life aid in bringing you to this point?
It all started with TexasMedia. Without that program, I would not have made it this far and have had these amazing opportunities. I'm still learning to be the best professional I can be, but TexasMedia has pushed me to heights I’ve never imagined.
A lot of my motivation rides on my mom because I've seen what having a child at 17 does to your dreams and her sacrifices for me and my brother. I challenge myself and shoot for the moon everyday for her. I don't want her to think she gave up everything for nothing. I strive to make her proud and will always thank her everytime one of my dreams becomes reality.
2. What was the application process like, and how did you try to stand out?
The application was fairly simple. It involved 5 short essays, a tagline, a recommendation from an AAF affiliated professional, and my resume. I tried very hard to be myself and not be something I wasn't. I gave my true honest answers and thoughts. I've done so many applications in the past that were filled with content that I thought the judges/HR wanted to hear. This time, I put what I wanted them to hear. I wish that was something I did all the time as it made the application fun and not a hassle because I talked about things that I was passionate about.
3. What are your goals following graduation? And in five years?
Honestly, I have no idea right now. I'm so open to where I want to work and interested in so much. I know for sure that I'd like to be a strategist. I also know that I want to take a mental detox and travel for a month after graduation before starting the next chapter of my life. In five years, I see myself working and living abroad. I want to leave the United States for a few years and continue to grow my mind and hopefully learn a language other than English for the first time in my life. That would be amazing!
4. Tell us your tagline/hashtag, and provide some background information.
“Make your own path and have Faith in every step. #DefiningMyself”
As you can tell I often doubt myself, and this tagline and hashtag really represents the change I'm trying to have on my mentality. I want to make my own path and journey to success, as well as defining my own definition of success. Success to me is not the same to someone else. I also have to trust and believe that every step I take to get there, no matter good or bad, will lead me to an amazing life, and that each step is part of who I am and the woman I am yet to become.