
Cassandre Giguere Alvarado
Professor of Practice
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Theresa Andrews
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Tracy Arrington
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Lucy Atkinson
Associate Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Tamara Bell
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations, School of Journalism and Media
Jim Bosiljevac
Assistant Professor of Practice
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Laura Bright
Associate Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Mark Bunting
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
E. Ciszek
Associate Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Isabella Cunningham
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
James Dalthorp
Assistant Professor of Practice
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Natalie Brown Devlin
Associate Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Lisa Dobias
Associate Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Minette Drumwright
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Anthony Dudo
Associate Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Matthew Eastin
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Melissa Eccles
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Monique Farmer
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Glenn Griffin
Professor of Practice
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Terry Hemeyer
Associate Professor of Practice
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Stacey Hoyt
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Chris Hunt
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Jeff Hunt
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Dave Junker
Associate Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Lee Ann Kahlor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Octavio Kano-Galván
Assistant Professor of Practice
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Deena Kemp
Assistant Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Guan-Soon Khoo
Associate Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Yeonsoo Kim
Associate Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Lea Ladera
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Azalea Laredo
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations, Texas Immersive Institute
John Leckenby
Professor Emeritus
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Jihye Lee
Assistant Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Wei-Na Lee
Professor Emerita
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Liza Lewis
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Brad Love
Associate Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Joel Lulla
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Michael Mackert
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Matt McCutchin
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Sean McDonald
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
John Murphy
Professor Emeritus
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Jeeyun Oh
Associate Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Mark Pannes
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations, Department of Communication Studies
Joy Phillips
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Audrey Ponzio
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Sarah Post
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Kate Pounders
Associate Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Ben Randall
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Rohitash Rao
Assistant Professor of Practice
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Erin Reilly
Professor of Practice
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Marialena Rivera
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Steve Rossmann
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Valerie Salinas-Davis
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
JoAnn Sciarrino
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Tim Scott
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Patricia Stout
Professor Emerita
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Court Stroud
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Natalie Tindall
Director, Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Sean Upshaw
Assistant Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Eric Webber
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
Gary Wilcox
John A. Beck Centennial Professor
Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations