Jacqueline Cimino
Nike’s “Dream Crazier” campaign is one of the most well known ads in the world. From the moment Jacqueline Cimino saw Serena Williams in that campaign, she knew that advertising can be more than a platform to sell a product—it can be a medium that changes the world. Jacqueline is in her final year of the Masters in Advertising program here at UT Austin, and upon her graduation is looking to continue carving a path for what advertising is capable of achieving. Not only for brands, but for the communities they reach as well.

Jacqueline Cimino is originally from Plano, TX, and majored in advertising in undergrad at The University of San Francisco. She also double minored in business and African American studies. During her undergraduate career, she interned at Oracle in NYC within their advertising & consumer experience minority internship program. During the course of this internship she saw how competitive the people around her were, and the level of excellence they held themselves to, which helped solidify her desire to pursue a M.A. in Advertising.
Another key reason Jacqueline decided to pursue a masters degree was because of her desire to hold C-Suite or other executive leadership positions eventually in her career. She knew an advanced degree would give her an advantage, and believed UT Austin’s #1 ranked advertising program to be the perfect fit. Thus far, she believes that UT does a fantastic job of providing students with resources to develop hard skills that help them understand the complexities of advertising, as well as problem solving and creative solutions. One course she feels perfectly encapsulates this is Natalie Devlin’s digital metrics class.
When probed with what trends she’s noticed in the advertising industry lately, Jacqueline noted that lately there has been a push to have data included in all campaigns. She believes it's become a bit too analytical in a sense, but that these tendencies exist on a pendulum and we are now seeing a more human and nuanced approach to campaigns. She believes the strongest campaigns not only rely on individual data points to create a story, but rather sets of data points to derive insights from. Jacqueline looks forward to being a part of the future in advertising that boasts a seamless and beautiful blend of the human side of advertising and data.
As Jacqueline looks to the future, she is open to moving into the tech-space or remaining with agency work. However, she prioritizes work that continues to blend data-driven insights with the emotional and human side of advertising. She also hopes to make a lasting impact, both professionally and personally. Having worked with prestigious agencies like Wieden+Kennedy and Dentsu, she understands the power of mentorship and representation in shaping careers. As a mentor for the American Advertising Federation’s “Most Promising Multicultural Students” program, she’s already giving back to the communities that made such a lasting impact on her. For Jacqueline, success is about opening doors for marginalized individuals and creating opportunities for the next generation of leaders within the advertising industry.