Texas Media & Analytics: Digital Marketing Champions

Recently, Natalie Brown- Devlin and Lisa Dobias took six Texas Media & Analytics students to
compete in the National Collegiate Digital Marketing Championship at Baylor University's Hankamer
School of Business last week. These students include Amari Alford, Bella Carr, Kai Khair, Justin Lee,
Jamie Lee, and Kimberly Serratos. Out of all the schools in attendance, the Moody College of
Communication was the only College of Communication present. Even then, this phenomenal group of
students placed fourth overall in the entire tournament.
To kick off introducing all the incredible work these students put in is the Presentation Pro team. In
their event, the team was given a deck filled with analysis results from a digital marketing campaign.
With this information, they only had an hour and a half to develop a pitch and present it to a client.
The presentation team made an impressive run in the bracket-style competition but was later
eliminated by the team who would turn out to be the eventual overall champion, Ohio State. Their
hard work and attention to detail didn’t go unnoticed, as many recruiters that attended the event
sought the team out to tell them how impressed they were with their presentation. The recruiters were
blown away at the team's ability to craft such a creative strategic approach and sustainable research in
such a short period of time.
In addition, three students placed in other competitions the championship offered. Justin Lee and
Jamie Lee placed in the Quantum Quiz competition, which required them to showcase digital
marketing knowledge in a quiz-style competition. Kai Khair placed in the Man v. Machine competition,
which required students to quickly implement a digital paid search campaign using the Stukent
Natalie and Lisa speak tremendously about their group of students. Natalie writes, “I'm so proud of
our students, whose work helped us out-rank the business schools from several institutions, including
the University of Oklahoma, the University of Florida, Florida State University, Louisiana State
University, the University of Missouri, Baylor University, and many more. Beyond the awards they
brought back to Austin, I'm most proud of the maturity and integrity these students showed through
every phase of the competition.”
The success that this team displayed during the competition speaks to the eliteness of the curriculum
and experience offered in the Texas Media & Analytics program. It’s safe to say that this group of
students made the University of Texas and Moody College of Communication extremely proud.