Top 7 ADV/PR Classes to Take Fall 2023

UT is renowned for its exceptional communication programs, offering students a comprehensive advertising and public relations education. As an Advertising or PR major, there are several classes you can take to enhance your knowledge, develop your skills in the field, or just have fun! Here are our top 7 picks of the best courses to take for an Advertising or PR major at UT Austin.

  1. Introduction to Advertising Creativity (ADV 325)

This class is designed to help students develop creative advertising strategies and campaigns that meet client objectives. Students learn to research target markets, identify key insights, and develop innovative concepts that engage and persuade consumers. The class emphasizes the importance of storytelling, visual design, and copywriting in creating effective advertising campaigns.

     2. The Business of Sports Media (PR/ADV 348)

This class examines the sports media industry, including over-the-air television, cable, satellite television, print, radio, social media, and internet-based media, and the impact of such media on sports presentation and development, professional franchises, colleges, and conferences. This class emphasizes how the sports media business generates revenue and content, the business models for each type of media, the challenges to such models, and their likely future changes. 

  1.  Integ Comm For Nonprof Orgs (ADV 320)

This course explores integrated communication and branding in a variety of nonprofit settings. Furthermore, it Examines the strategic, integrated use of multiple communication approaches. This includes advertising, public relations, new media, promotions, sponsorships, and special events.

  1. Entrepreneurialism In Communications (ADV 332D)

ADV 332D is a project-oriented class, where small teams conceptualize a business idea. They then curate the insights and opinions of fellow team members and ultimately develop a business plan around their new endeavor. Towards the end of the semester, a panel of local entrepreneurs will provide feedback and critique for the student’s business ideas. 

  1. Creativity & American Culture (ADV 316)

This class is a cross-disciplinary view of the creative process and creative products. In it, students discuss the conceptual core of the film, fine arts, advertising, architecture, and literature. It is one of the most interesting lower-division advertising courses in Moody. 

  1. Audience Devel Engagement (PR 365)

PR365 examine the latest methods used to better understand audiences and their motivations. In this class, students explore new approaches and tools for engaging audiences in different content strategies, and what metrics can be used to measure their engagement in ways that prove valuable to content creators, marketers, and audiences.

  1. Experimental Storytelling (PR 367E)

In this class, student work with real-world clients to examine design thinking and human-computer interaction techniques while ideating and synthesizing concepts and creating user experiences. The class also helps students develop a proof of concept, which is exemplary for becoming an experience designer.

These classes give ADV and PR majors the knowledge and skills to succeed in the dynamic and rapidly evolving communication industry. Whatever class you choose, it is guaranteed to help you develop a strong foundation for your career as a communicator, thinker, and leader of the AD and PR industries. Good Luck to all Registering!

Sydney White
Sami Kieffer