Preparing for Online Finals
Hey, Longhorns!
This week is the last week of classes for undergraduate students, which means final projects, term papers, and exams are all fast approaching. We’ve put together a list of tips to help you manage the stress and prepare well for all of your finals.
1. Know the format
Online exams come in many formats. There’s a chance your final will be a Canvas quiz or, maybe, your professors have gotten creative and are using Proctorio or ProctorU to make sure students are academically honest. Whatever the format, inquire about the exam platform and answer type early so that you have time to familiarize yourself with them. This will reduce a lot of stress.
2. Take advantage of recorded Zoom meetings
Lots of our professors are using the cloud recording feature on Zoom to allow for students who can’t join the meeting to watch the class later. This is a huge advantage to students when it comes to studying. How often do you have the chance to revisit a lecture and hear your professor explain a concept again? Take advantage of these recorded sessions and use them to study any material you’re feeling rusty on.
3. Make a space for yourself
Your study space can have a very big impact on your productivity so set yourself up for success by creating a space in your home that’s just for studying. Ideally this is somewhere quiet that the rest of the household usually doesn’t need access to. If possible, try to study there and let your family know that you need space. Try to take your exam there too. Hopefully, your space is now comfortable and you will be able to relax knowing that you have everything you need.
4. Make sure you have your professor's contact information on hand
Thankfully, in this day and age, technical mishaps are rare, but they do still occasionally happen. Write your professor’s email down or check the syllabus one more time before you begin your exam. That way, if you have bad technical luck on exam day, you can contact your professor immediately and get back on track.
5. Ace your exams!
We know you will; you’re Longhorns, after all! Keep an eye on the time, work carefully, and don’t forget to review your answers before hitting submit. You’ve got this!