
The Impact of Texas Media & Analytics

Texas Media & Analytics

What potential do we offer?

While no courses can guarantee students a job upon graduation, Texas Media & Analytics has a documented placement rate at or near 100% prior to or within months of graduation.

Where do our graduates land?

Because our Texas Media & Analytics students continue to be some of the most passionate, critically thinking and well-spoken, they are sought by some of the largest and best brands and agencies in the world. Here are only a few examples.

Texas Media & Analytics

What do others say about our graduates?

Many of our current students and alumni have been honored with numerous top industry accolades and achievements.

We also have over 20 years of successful student placement in industry, as well as in industry association internships and fellowships.

Texas Media & Analytics


Inspiring genuinely sharp, critical thinkers that can lead at all levels is the single biggest success that Texas Media achieves. - Doug W., Digital Lead, Indeed    Fall 1999 Texas Media Cohort

Lisa Dobias and students

What is the Texas Media & Analytics community like?

Much of our success comes from inspiring a passionate, collaborative community centered around media & analytics.

This enthusiastic community serves all Texas Media & Analytics students both while at UT and for many years to come via an extensive, highly supportive alumni network.

Literally thousands of our alumni are in top leadership positions from the C-suite to entry level in agencies, clients, publishers + vendors, and consultants all over the globe. They proudly carry the Texas Media & Analytics flag with them as they challenge, investigate, inspire, and impact the world of communication in new ways each day.

And the alumni network is highly active in their continued communication with and strong support of our program, school, and current students as we take on even bigger ideas.

The Texas Media network is still one of the most valuable  resources I have at my disposal now 10 years in to my career. - enn G. Global Client Business Director, Starcom/Netherlands    Spring 2008 Texas Media Cohort