Alumni Spotlight: Marnie Lemonik

Name: Marnie Lemonik
Major at UT: Public Relations
Sequence or special program: TexasMedia
Graduation Date: May 2015
Current Livelihood: Activation Manager, iHeartMedia (Los Angeles, CA)
Account(s) (if applicable): Warner Brother’s Pictures, Sony Pictures, Lionsgate Films, Hulu & T-Mobile
What is your position at the company you work for and what does your role entail?
I work at iHeartMedia (the corporate name for iHeartRadio) on a team called “Activation”. We bring advertising and event sponsorship campaigns to life. Working on the West Coast, the majority of our campaigns are movie or TV related.
How would you describe the company culture?
Extremely collaborative and fast-paced, never a dull moment.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The variety. Most of our film campaigns are relatively short (pre-release + week of open), so the projects are constantly changing. The combination of advertising account management and event production also helps keep things fresh.
Were you in any organizations at the University of Texas at Austin and if so, what positions did you hold?
Yes, I definitely think the organizations at UT taught me just as much as the classes.
Texas Spirits – Position: Spirit Haunt
Camp Texas Counselor
Texas Tower PR Member
Freshman Leadership Organization – Position: Community Service Officer
How did UT impact your life and career? Did the Stan Richards School or any other organizations at UT help you with what you’re doing now?
My classmates, friends and professors all had strong passions that led their actions. I got used to this type of environment and have attempted to find similar atmospheres in my workplace and day-to-day life.
In terms of direct impact, the TexasMedia program has helped me immensely in my current role. The tactical information I learned from the program - along with the real-world pitching experience- gave me great confidence right out of school.
Which professors were the most memorable to you and why?
Bob Jensen and Lisa Dobias. Bob made us pay attention to things that mattered and always inspired open conversation. Lisa is a true advocate for her students and is the reason TexasMedia is such an amazing program.
Why did you choose public relations?
I wanted to learn how to connect with people on a large scale. No matter what career path or industry you choose, being able to have a pulse on what matters to your audience- and be able to empathize with that- will always be helpful.
What do you love about living in California?
The variety of areas and activities. You have almost all the geographical typographies from mountains to oceans. The weather is also great, which is a huge plus as someone who fears weather under 70 degrees.
What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
Short term, I’d like to grow within iHeartMedia both in my position and the type of accounts. I’ve gained a lot of great experience in the entertainment industry so far, but would like to work with clients that are more health and wellness focused.
Long-term, I’d like to shift my focus to more community-service oriented work with my background in advertising and events. Thinking Corporate Social Responsibility, but open to anything.
What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
Try new exercise classes in the city.
What publications/sites/newsletters do you subscribe to and find are most helpful in your occupation?
BizBash has been incredibly helpful when it comes to event production and ideation. Like everyone else, I also like to read AdAge for campaign inspiration and general news on what’s happening in the industry. ☺
What is the hardest part about your job?
Keeping everyone satisfied. Like most jobs, my team works with different groups that have varying interests (both internally and externally).
What is the most interesting project you have worked on so far in your career?
Both years of the iHeartRadio Music Festival in Vegas. I work on the sponsor side of the event, but being able to be part of an event with such high production value and fan love has been really fun.
Where do you see the industry going?
I think the majority of our generation gravitates towards brands that have a cause and stand behind it. Hopefully brands will continue to lean into the stories that make them unique and showcase how they contribute to society on a larger scale.
What advice would you give to a current student in the Stan Richards School?
Enjoy the ride and don’t let job searching get you down.
Anything else you would like to add about your experiences?
Highly recommend moving out of state if you’re from Texas and have a city of interest. Always available for any LA recommendations!