The Class of 2020 Agency
The class of 2020 had a rough start to the working world. With in-person interviews turned to Zoom calls and job offerings sharply decreasing, it was a difficult transition for everyone. But there's one group that rose to the challenge. The Class of 2020 Agency is a new agency created by UT graduates, three of whom are TXADPR alum, to "support the relationship between brands and communities" at the most vital time. They describe themselves as a new generation of creators, marketers and communicators.
This agency has allowed brilliant creators to use their time in meaningful and innovative ways. they offer strategy, content creation, PR, and creative work.
The Class of 2020 Agency was created in response to cancelled internships, declining job opportunities, and the disruption of the economy from the economic decline of COVID-19. The agency explains that this ongoing pandemic "doesn't mean [they were] going to sit at home." This power move of UT's brightest has already paid off in big ways. The agency has already gathered a unique portfolio of brands they have worked with, such as J. Walter Thompson Worldwide, Edelman, and Andy Roddick Foundation.
The agency approached UT with an idea to encourage collaboration, group support and emotion - a magazine edition titled "Moving Forward: The Summer Zine." This collaboration included joining forces with student run publication ORANGE Magazine, putting together a unique assortment of stories and creative works from the students at The Moody College. Throughout the zine, readers found creative writings, intriguing designs and thooughtful student interviews, to name a few.
Yet, the publication provided much more than that - it stood for something much bigger. It was meant to signify a connection of students during this confusing time and provided a sort of support and a connection of graduates, current students and UT as a whole.
Here at TXADPR, we are extremely excited to see where the Class of 2020 Agency goes next. They are a perfect example of "what starts here changes the world."