Dr. Natalie Tindall joins the TXADPR Publication Team
As The Moody College of Communication has promoted significantly throughout the past month, this Fall, the AD&PR school welcomed a new director, Dr. Natalie Tindall. Before becoming a member of the Longhorn family, Dr. Tindall served in various leadership roles in academia. She was the chair of the Department of Communication and Media at Lamar University, a co-graduate director at Georgia State University in Atlanta, and faculty at the University of Oklahoma. In addition to leadership roles at prior institutions, Dr. Tindal was an integral member of the social publications teams. She has already begun using her previous experience for our TXADPR Publication team. She attends many class meetings and provides pertinent insights, which we’ve already implemented into our social strategy.
Dr. Tindal has a whiteboard in her office that outlines specific goals she plans to accomplish throughout her tenure at the University of Texas. Many of these goals revolve around building a stronger community within the advertising and public relations school. Our publication is a crucial resource for this initiative. Promoting events, supporting student accomplishments, highlighting exciting courses, and engaging alumni are opportunities to strengthen the community.

We look forward to seeing Dr. Tindal’s success as a leader in Moody College and her continued involvement with the TXADPR Publication.