Intern Spotlight: Jochebed Fekadu

Everyone wants to make it in New York, but what if you landed an all-expense paid summer fellowship with one of the top companies in the media field? Junior Public Relations major Jochebed Fekadu talks to us about her journey to becoming an International Radio & Television Society (IRTS) summer fellow and landing an internship with media trendsetter, Viacom.
1. What was the application process like?
It was long, hard, and nerve wracking! The process has multiple rounds that include essay questions and interviews. I think what made me shine through the thousands of other applicants is that I tried to tell a story with every response, regardless of what I was being asked. Making my responses intriguing is what I think kept the attention of the reviewers, and helped me land my dream fellowship. It’s important to remember roughly 30 students nationwide get chosen for the opportunity! So even when you’re tired and don’t want to fill out multiple applications, or it feels like years have passed since you have heard back, the position you are working towards is all going to be worth it.
2. How did you hear about IRTS?
My good friend and mentor Shad Murray was a member of the 2017 fellow class. I vividly remember seeing him post on his social media profiles, and after talking to him about the opportunity and doing deep research, I knew I had to apply. He definitely drove me in the direction I needed to go!
3. How did you get placed with Viacom?
I had to interview separately with Viacom from IRTS. IRTS matches you with companies in the NYC area, and they may or may not require an interview based on the company. Viacom required multiple rounds! It was an even more nerve-wracking experience because of how huge of a company they are, but I knew I wanted to land a position with them. I added the fellow who had the internship last summer on LinkedIn and asked all the questions I could, and did additional research on my own. I interviewed with the HR Representative and my specific team. Nobody was intimidating at all, and I was ecstatic to hear I placed with the team I wanted for the summer!
4. What interested you in media, and how does PR tie into it all?
I have always been drawn to entertainment, and I knew that was the path I wanted to take with my career. My major has helped me be extremely fluent and clear when speaking to get points across in an interview, to seamlessly piecing together essay responses in an hour or less for the application process. Moving forward, I know my skills in the media buying and planning process and written content will be applied directly to a real company with brands that resonate with a target market I fall into.